About Sales

Buying property in Turkey is a lot easier than in many other European countries. Foreigners may purchase land and properties in Turkey in their own names as long as they are located in towns all around Turkey.

In order to aquire the title of a property, an application has to be submitted to the local Land Registry Office in which the propety is situated. After carying out the necessary searches the transfer of the title is done by the Land Registry Office . In Turkey it is compulsory for both the buyer and seller to be present at the entry of the property. A purchase tax of 3% is collected from the buyer.
An annual tax is collected by the municipalities at the rate of 0.3% for land and 0.1% for property in the Fethiye area. All properties are subject to revaluation every year for tax purposes.

The acquired property may be resold or rented and the proceeds may be taken out of Turkey.

Step By Step

Your Decision 
When you decide on a property to buy you will sign an agreement between yourselves and the estate agency where you will place a deposit to reserve the property.

We will need to copy your passports which will be translated into Turkish for legal purposes. This will be completed by a sworn translator.

Passport pictures are required for the TAPU (Title Deed) and used for your utilities.

Notary Solicitors
This is where you autherise power of attorney, this is purely related to the purchace of the property to complete the paperwork, access your utilities, paying taxes and bills on your behalf. The notary also caries out security and property checks.

Government Approval 
Depending on demand this takes aproximately 8 weeks, this is to get Government permission for you to buy.

After permission is granted and the deeds are recieved by the Deed Office we can, through the power of attorney, complete the paperwork and access your utilities. We will send you a copy of your TAPU (Title Deed) and hold your Title Deed until you are able to collect it in person.

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